Cancellation Reasons

Orders can be cancelled for a range of reasons. These are indicated in your History panel.

  • User-activated: the order was cancelled by the user.

  • !Protected: a protected market order was cancelled because it could not execute at the manually provided price or better.

  • !Reduce: a reduce-only order was cancelled because there was no available position to reduce.

  • !Max-oi: the order was cancelled because the maximum OI on the market was reached.

  • !No-execution: a limit or stop order was cancelled because it did not meet the price requirements relative to the current market price.

  • !Market-closed: the order was cancelled because the market is closed.

  • !Expired: the order was cancelled because it expired.

  • !Oco: the order was cancelled by another order being executed or cancelled (OCO).

  • !Market-risk: the order was cancelled due to the market max open interest being reached.

  • !Pool-risk: the order was cancelled due to the max pool drawdown being reached.

Last updated